January 2015 Goals

I’ve seen a couple of other blogs posting monthly goals. This sounds like a good idea and something I should probably do.

I could write more to fill up space, but I don’t want to. Done is better than perfect, right?

* Get rid of all Warrior Genotype non-compliant food in my apartment


* Read the book my son gave me (on Mother’s Day!) three times a week. Since I got a smart  phone I find that I’m checking Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, Candy Crush, Facebook, etc.  instead of unwinding with a good book. I need to stop it!


* Play at least one board game with my kids. We got Small World from Santa and we haven’t had a chance to play it yet!Small World


* Sew while watching Netflix at least three times a week. Yes, I want to multi-task!

* Make 2 printables. I’ve made one so far and already I don’t like the way it looks and want to re-vamp it.

* Update blog two more times this month.

* Write three snail mail notes/letters.

I’ll let you guys know how I did!

Healthy and Fit … (Coincidentally) A New Year’s Resolution

Today is the 1st day of 2015. Many people are making resolutions, but I’m not one of them.

Coincidentally, however, I just realized that in 371 days I am taking the Bear to Disney World to celebrate his Magic Birthday! That means I’ll be doing some walking. A LOT of walking.

I am not ready.

And so I have decided to start getting ready now. I am working to incorporate more exercise into my daily life (including using this amazing app to get me out of my desk chair at work.) I injured both of my knees last year and they still hurt a lot, so I need to get them used to carrying me around again.

I also need to make some dietary changes. I’ve been toying around with The Genotype Diet (a more specific form of The Blood Type Diet) but I’ve never gotten serious about it. Now I need to. A lot of the testimonials I’ve read included the lessening of joint pain. I could also stand to lose some weight, but that is not my primary focus. The focus is  getting more healthy and fit.

Now I need to completely change my cooking habits. Which means changing my grocery shopping habits. Which means getting rid of everything in my home that doesn’t help me stay on my eating plan of choice.

I created a Freezer/Refrigerator/Pantry printable to find out what I have and what I need to get rid of. I’m too cheap to throw away everything, so by writing it all down, I can figure out what to use up first.

Diet Reset-Inventory Printable

Diet Reset Food Inventory Printable

You can download the pdf for printing HERE.

There are two pages to the printable. The first page has categories of Freezer, Refrigerator, and Pantry. The second page is just blank lines for you to fill in. The “Compliant” column is for you to quickly see what items help or hurt your current diet.

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